Yaesu FT-5DR and what it SHOULD be

scheduleApril 11, 2022

In discussion of the FT-2DR I created a list of necessary features for the next FT(x)DR radio. That feature list is the same:

  • Get rid of all buttons on the front of the radio. Raise the resolution of the screen (800 x 480 minimum). That is a 16 x 9 ratio, yielding a 2 x 3.55 inch screen size. With capacitive touch, you can be wearing gloves, and it will still respond.
  • Replace all the ports on the right side of the radio with a single USB-C for power and data.
  • Put the SD-XC sim card under the battery on the back.
  • Put two USB-C ports on the camera Mic. One for power in, one for data out to the radio.
  • Use Android OS on the radio.
Now you have something I’d pay $600 for.